Accademia Bizantina

Accademia Bizantina was founded in Ravenna in 1983 with the programmatic intention of "making music like a great quartet". Today, as then, the group is managed autonomously by its own members, guardians and guarantors of the interpretative chamber approach that has always distinguished it.

This philosophy combined with a deep collective study has allowed the Ensemble to specialize in performing on original instruments from the 17th, 18th and 19th century musical repertoire.

Over the years he has been able to distinguish himself and gain a prominent place in the preferences of the public and critics, adopting his own style of interpretation that draws its raison d'être from the research and appropriation of a common and shared performing language and practice that presupposes a careful reading of the score and prefers the stylistic accuracy of the performance, as in the noblest Italian chamber music tradition.

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